Waves of Brighton Live at The Yellow Book Friday 22nd November
31st October 2024

Ciao friends!
Welcome to the Waves of Brighton RadioReverb Live Show at the Yellow Book!
Alessandro and Francesco host a unique radio show by and for the Italian Community in Brighton and Hove.
With news, Italian music, guests, interviews, chitchat…and fun!
You’re invited to be a part of the audience for this live event at Brighton’s Yellow Book on Friday 22nd November from 6pm. It’s free and you’ll need to book as places are very limited, but we’d love it if you could also make a small donation to RadioReverb.
The bar is open but we ask you to arrive and grab a drink by 6.15pm. The show will start at 6.30 sharp and end at 7.30. We look forward to seeing you!
Waves of Brighton is broadcast on RadioReverb every Monday at 9pm , Tuesday at 7pm and Friday at 2pm, UK time. Info: Waves of Brighton Website
RadioReverb is Brighton’s community radio station, run by a team of dedicated volunteers and broadcasting the kind of speech and music you won’t hear on mainstream radio!
We’d like to thank The Yellow Book for generously hosting this event. They have a great selection of drinks, really friendly staff and host live events all year round, so please do pop in for a drink or enjoy a show!
To sponsor a regular show on a one-off or ongoing basis, find out more here or email: [email protected] Rates are negotiable from £50-£200.
Thank you to our supporters:
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You can donate from as little as £1, though we would appreciate more!
Your generous support helps keep RadioReverb independent, advert free and delivering important radio for diverse groups in our community.